Saturday, August 11, 2012

Soldier Crab (Mictyris longicarpus)

Soldier Crabs are named for their blue and grey military colors, and habit of moving in mass information over sandy beaches. Unlike most crabs that walk sideways, Soldier Crabs often walk forward. All are bright blue to blue-grey on the back with contrasting pale walking legs the color varies depending on the species. The body shape is nearly spherical and the walking legs are positioned underneath the body, tending to lift the animal well above the ground. The characteristic clawed appendages are thrust upward into a prominent position if the crab is threatened. Soldier Crabs also have a large pair of flattened appendages near the mouth, know as the third maxillipeds, which assist in tearing up and manipulating food. An extensive sand flat, periodically inundated by the rising tides is its preferred habitat. At low tide they emerge form the beach in large numbers, to feed on detritus. When the tide rises, or if they are disturbed, the crabs burrow into the sand in a peculiar, cork-screw fashion.

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